What is IPS?
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidence-based model of supported employment designed to support individuals to achieve meaningful paid employment in the open labour market. 

Originally developed for people with serious mental illness including people with co-occurring substance use disorders, IPS has since been used and found effective in various other target demographics including youth, veterans, justice system, homelessness, first episode psychosis, older adults and physical injuries. 

IPS is based on the idea that, with the right job match and appropriate in-work support everybody is able to gain and maintain competitive employment.   IPS is one of the most structured and well-defined form of supported employment. It is set apart from vocational rehabilitation by 8 practice principles and a scientifically validated fidelity scale.

28 randomised controlled trials to date have shown that IPS is a very effective model for employment assistance for people with mental health conditions. 

Where the IPS program has been implemented and successfully managed, employment outcomes for people with a lived experience of mental illness have been as high as 54 per cent, compared to traditional employment methods of just 24 per cent.

Why Employment?

“ Being without work, structure or occupation is damaging to your health and wellbeing and restricts your choice Miles Rinaldi (March 2010).

Why focus on Employment

Why IPS?

28 randomised controlled trials to date have shown that IPS is a very effective form of employment assistance model.

Evidence for IPS

IPS in Australia

IPS has become increasingly available throughout Australia since 2005 and has been steadily being expanded.

IPS in Australia