Cassie MacDonald
Manager Operations and Business Development
Cassie has more than a decade of experience working in the employment field. Her previous roles include working as a Disability Employment Consultant with PEP Community Services, Disability Employment Consultant, IPS Employment Specialist and then Business Manager with MAX Employment.
Cassie joined the IPS WORKS team as an IPS support and evaluation officer in early 2017. She was responsible for providing technical support and assistance to sites involved in the headspace IPS Youth trial, fee-for-service and partnerships to implement evidence-based employment services into their organisations. Cassie also completed fidelity reviews and assisted sites to create action plans from reviews to increase employment opportunities for individuals in the community experiencing mental health.
In August 2019, Cassie moved into the role of IPS program manager and now oversees the IPS WORKS team and all IPS programs within WAAMH. Cassie believes in employment as a basic right that all members of community should have access to, she is responsible for the strategic direction and advocating for greater funding and access to IPS services.
She holds a Diploma of Community Services, a Diploma of Children’s Services, a Bachelor of Social Science and has undertaken IPS Leadership Training from the IPS Employment Centre at the Rockville Institute, Westat (formerly Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre).

Roshani Shrestha
Project Lead
Roshani works in the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) WORKS team. She has an extensive experience in mental health and disability section including employment services. Roshani is passionate about equity and access to employment for all individuals with keen interest in social policy and research. In her current role, she leads the IPS WORKS team to support community organisations and mental health services to implement and deliver evidence-based supported employment. Roshani also conducts fidelity reviews of the IPS programs. Her qualifications include a Diploma in Community Services, a Bachelor of Applied Social Science and a Certificate IV in Mental Health. She has also completed the IPS Practitioner Skills course and IPS Leadership Training from the IPS Employment Centre at the Rockville Institute, Westat (formerly Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre).

Ken Dinsdale
IPS Support & Evaluation Officer
Ken has more than a decade of experience working in employment services in various roles in job active and tertiary education settings assisting people to gain meaningful employment. Ken also worked as an IPS vocational specialist from January 2017 - September 2019 for headspace and hopes to use his experience gained from this role to assist new and existing headspace sites to reach an exemplary level of fidelity within the IPS program.
Prior to working in employment services, Ken completed a Diploma in IT and networking as well as a Cert IV in Small Business and went on to successfully run a local IT business for 12 years helping business’ and residents with their IT issues.
Ken has undertaken IPS Leadership Training from the IPS Employment Centre at the Rockville Institute, Westat (formerly Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre).

Diane Moe
IPS Support & Evaluation Officer
Diane works with the IPS Works team providing technical support and mentoring to organisations/employment specialist implementing IPS. She was formerly a disability employment specialist and an IPS employment specialist co-located with adult mental health services.
Diane has extensive experience working in the youth, mental health and employment services sectors dedicated to supporting individuals find creative and productive solutions to issues with housing, employment and health/wellbeing.
Diane’s qualifications include: Bachelor of Social Work, Certificate IV in Employment Services and a Certificate IV in Career Development. Diane has undertaken IPS Leadership Training from the IPS Employment Centre at the Rockville Institute , Westat (formerly Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre).

Corey Dwyer
IPS Support & Evaluation Officer
Before joining IPS WORKS as a support and evaluation officer, Corey worked in employment services for several years before moving on to Disability Employment Services. He facilitated the rollout and implementation of the ParentsNext pilot program, after which he transitioned to the IPS program as a vocational specialist at headspace before moving on to become the senior vocational specialist. Corey’s experience includes working with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds with multiple mental health challenges.
Corey holds a Bachelor degree in Human Services, Cert IV in Training and Assessment & Cert IV in Education Support. Corey has undertaken IPS Leadership Training from the IPS Employment Centre at the Rockville Institute, Westat (formerly Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre).

Cindy Cox
IPS Support & Evaluation Officer
Cindy works with the IPS Works team providing technical support and mentoring. She recently worked with headspace National in the Digital Work and Study program. She was formerly an employment specialist at headspace Edinburgh North for three years. Prior to this she worked at Disability Employment Services in a variety of roles for more than a decade.
Her background is in IPS, mental health, disability employment and has a degree in Child Psychology.