ANZ Supported Employment Fidelity Scale |
ANZ Supported Employment Fidelity Scale version 2.0 (2011)
Individual placement and support: History, current status,and future directions |
The history, principles, research, and future directions of IPS by Drake and Bond (2023)
Response to The Disability Employment Centre of Excellence - Options Paper |
WAAMH's response to the Department of Social Services's Disability Employment Centre of Excellence options paper
Connections between employment and mental health within the Workforce Australia employment system |
WAAMH's submission to the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
IPS for the criminal justice system |
A consultation discussion report by WA Justice Association
IPS Program Literature Review |
A KPMG report for the Department of Social Services to identify and consider a number of adaptations that have been made to Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and supported employment models across the globe, to establish what could be adapted or added to the IPS implementation in Australia within the IPS Programs in headspace centres
Making IPS work |
An evaluation of implementation and sustainability of IPS programs (Gilbert & Papworth, 2017)
Approaches to implementing individual placement and support in the health and welfare sectors |
A review is to identify and map existing knowledge on the methods and approaches used to implement Individual Placement and Support at scale in the health and welfare sectors, as well as the frameworks and methodological approaches used in implementation studies, and to identify knowledge gaps that are important for further research (Moe, 2019)
An update on RCTs of evidence-based supported employment |
A comprehensive literature review of 11 programs with high-fidelity IPS programs, based on comprehensive literature search for randomised controlled trials of IPS program by Bond, Drake and Becker (2008). Competitive employment outcomes: employment rates, days to first job, annualised weeks worked, and job tenure in longest job held during the follow-up period were examined
I want to work: Employment Services 2020 Report |
Report commissioned by the Government to recommend what a future employment services system should look like
Not in employment, education or training |
Mental health, substance use, and disengagement in multi-sectoral sample of service-seeking Canadian Youth
Beyond evidence-based practice: Nine ideal features of a mental health intervention |
Examination of a set of ideal characteristics of a mental health practice, using the case example of one important practice currently widely disseminated within the public mental health system by Bond, Drake and Becker (2009) |
Generalizability of the Individualised Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment outside the US |
Research report comparing the US and the non-US studies. We identified 15 randomized controlled trials of IPS programs, 9 in the US and 6 outside the US. We examined competitive employment outcomes, including employment rate, days to first job, weeks worked during follow-up, and hours worked Bond, Drake and Decker (2012) |
Enhancing community mental health services through formal partnerships with supported employment services |
Employment services as an early intervention for young people with mental illness |
Examination of the the service characteristics and effectiveness of a segregated employment service assisting young clients with mental illness in New Zealand (Browne and Waghorn, 2010) |
A feasibility cluster RCT of IPS for patients with offending histories |
A feasibility study to look at possibility of conducting fully powered RCT of IPS (Khalifa et al., 2020) |
KMPG Evaluation Report of IPS Trial |
The Final Evaluation Report of the IPS Youth Trial in headspace sites from commencement in early 2017 to February 2019 |
WAAMH's Submission |
WAAMH's submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Employment Issues Paper |
Tell Them They're Dreaming |
Work, Education and Young People with Mental Illness in Australia |
IPS model for the criminal justice system |
A research report by WA Justice Association |
Experiences with the implementation of IPS |
A qualitative study among stakeholders about their experiences with implementing IPS for people with severe mental illness |